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O Poder e a Nova Lógica da Liderança
Kit Professor Falconi (ESPANHOL)
The Challenge of the Impossible
Falconi Teacher Kit
Neuza Chaves Kit
Operational Research Kit
Project Management Series Kit
Falconi Teacher Kit (ENGLISH)
Lean Construction para Resultados
El Desafío de lo Imposible
Ah, se eu soubesse (Inteligência Artificial)...
Ah, if I only knew (statistics)...
Gerenciamento da Rotina do Trabalho do Dia a Dia
O Verdadeiro Poder – 2ª Ed
Management by the Guidelines - 5th Ed.
Total Quality - Standardization of companies
TQC Total Quality Control in Japanese Style - 9th Ed.
Sculpting Team Leaders - 4th Ed.
Team Solutions - 6th Ed.
Continuous Improvement Teams - 5th Ed.
Strategic Management - The road to transformation
Meritocracia: Influência da cultura brasileira no desempenho e no mérito
O Valor dos Recursos Humanos na Era do Conhecimento – 8ª Ed.
Management of Portfolios, Programs and Projects in Organizations - 6th Ed.
Project Planning and Control - 8th Ed
Using MS - Project 2013 in Project Management
Using MS Project 2016 in Project Management
PERT / CPM - 5th Ed.
Project Management For Executives - 2nd Ed.
Project Management Maturity - 3rd Ed.
Systemic Failure Analysis - 2nd Ed.
Capital Project Management
Usando o MS Project 2010 em Gerenciamento de Projetos
Linear Programming - 7th Ed.
Queuing and Simulation Theory - 6th Ed.
Using Arena in Simulation 6th ed.
Programa 5S e Você: Beyond Beyond Appearances - 2nd Ed.
Small Environmental Management System Training Manual
Management for Results in Education - 2nd Ed
Managing for Total Quality in Health 4ªed.
Managing Productive Maintenance - 2nd Ed.
Technology, Product and Process Innovation - 3rd Ed.
True Power
El Verdadero Poder - 2nd edition
Daily Work Routine Management
Management by Las Directrices
Management by Objectives
Daily Routine Management
Managing Productive Maintenance